Who needs sleeping pills?

Who needs sleeping pills?

The NHS spent £50 million on sleeping pills in 2011, but does it solve the problem of why people can't sleep healthily? Lack of sleep effects moods as well as the quality of relationships and work - but what causes the lack of sleep? Is it to do with food, drink or  exercise, or what is going on in our mind? Colin Espie, a sleep psychologist from Glasgow, says 90% of the cause is in the mind, http://gu.com/p/3bhye/em. If you are interested in looking at what is keeping you awake you can explore this with one of our experienced counsellors in a safe and confidential place. Contact us on 0121-429-1758 or request a callback.
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How to Say Hello

How to Say Hello

Do you do it with a smile, a business-like hand shake or something rather warmer like a hug?  Counsellors don't always get it rightThese questions unexpectedly tested my psyche on an initial meeting with fellow therapists.  I felt I could probably gauge an appropriate way to meet up, but while I wanted to avoid being too stereotypical I did get in a mess. I then thought if I struggled with other therapists how on earth would I get on with clients, let alone outside of work with someone I fancy ? I would advance with my arms moving out to offer a hug only to find them bisected with a firm handshake heading for my midriff.  I assumed they would drop their hand as they realized their mistake and warm…
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