Below are comments made by past clients working on their anxiety:
I always have to go back to the house and check I haven’t left anything on. It’s starting to take over my life.
I’m worried about work: I feel I’m not coping.
I’m anxious about nobody liking me and I’m not finding a relationship.
My anxiety about eating means I eat too much, am overweight and getting depressed.
I check my partner’s phone because I think s/he is cheating on me. My partner saw me doing this and said they will look for some- else unless I stop!
I just seem to fret about everything.
If you would like to look at any issues in a safe and confidential place with an experienced counsellor, or have any queries you would like to clarify, contact the centre on 0121-429-1758.
If you would prefer us to call you back please put your contact details here.