We currently offer counselling sessions online using Skype.
How to get started …
Email or Phone the Centre (0121 429 1758) and we will connect you with a male or female online therapist.
You can see profiles of our counsellors that work online. When you have chosen who you would like to work with, please let us know and we will send out the contact details.
Those currently offering online therapy are:-
What is Online Counselling?
Online counselling, using a web cam over Skype for instance, is very similar to normal face to face counselling. The client and the counsellor will be able to see each other – usually this is just head and shoulders or upper body.
Many who cannot get to the Counselling Centre for a variety of reasons have found it a very helpful & supportive alternative.
How can the Counselling Process Work?
Both counsellor & client need the use of a working space that can reflect good practice in engaging within the therapeutic relationship, i.e. a lack of interruptions and distractions during the online session. You will be assured of confidentiality on the side of your counsellor and your counsellor will expect you, for your own peace of mind, to feel that you have your own personal space that cannot be overheard by others. It’s helpful to be familiar with the technology, but as with all counselling the success of the work depends largely on the relationship that we are able to form through our interactions.
Technical Info
Nowadays Skype is very reliable but in the very unlikely event of a technical failure (on either side) the counsellor will agree alternative arrangements. This may include telephone support as part or all of your session or you may both agree to re-arrange another suitable time, to complete your allotted schedule of counselling time. This will be at the earliest possible time that you can both agree to.
Information about the Online Counsellor
Any practitioner working through the Centre, whether online or face to face, will be a registered practitioner with BACP or UKCP and work to their Ethical Frameworks.