The therapy groups offer a safe yet challenging environment for growth and healing, increasing your awareness and enhancing your experience of life & relationships.
Mixed Therapy Group
Runs weekly on Thursdays, 3.30 pm to 5.20 pm.
The Groups are kept small enough to feel safe and therefore each group is limited to eight people, plus Juliet. Both Groups also meet for one full day and one 2 day residential each year.
Facilitator: They are led by Juliet Denham who is a very experienced UKCP Registered Psychotherapist, supervisor & trainer who also works across the UK and abroad. The groups provide an opportunity to explore who you are and how you are in the world.
Weekly – £22 (waged) with some places at £12 (unwaged).
Full days – £52 (waged) and £28 (unwaged).
2 day residential – £135 (waged) & £75 (unwaged)
New applicants
You will be required to come and see Juliet for at least one assessment session (£20 – £45 for this session depending on income) before a firm offer of a place can be made. New members are expected to make an initial commitment for the year (September to July).