Sharon Osborne talks openly about her emotional issues including the need to get up in the middle of a meal and go and make herself sick after eating a lot. That’s called bulimia and has little to do with food and a lot to do with trying to find some emotional comfort through eating and then purging the guilt by being sick. We all call on things to reduce our emotional discomfort, like a drink or a drug or a gamble etc etc. However, when the taster doesn’t prove to be enough we take some more, until we become reliant on it to keep us sane. Behold it has morphed into an addiction before we notice.
These are all the symptoms not the cause. The cause is the initial bad feeling. Maybe we were disrespected, ignored, or treated poorly and the trauma and abuse left a very nasty taste we couldn’t get rid of, except by our helpful substance – whatever that might be.
Interrupt the addiction – easy … you’re joking. It’s never easy but with good support it’s the chance to reclaim your life by re-finding what you lost. Working with the cause, not just trying to take away your comforter. This provides the opportunity to reclaim a zest for life as you find your own way out, clearing the distorting negatives in your life that you start to believe are the truth. They’re a distortion from someone else’s needs, not the truth at all.
In counselling you will get respected, listened to and treated well, so you start to value yourself again. We will support you to build up a good feeling about yourself, which is a great way to start the rest of your life.
Click here for more information about how counselling can help.
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