Welcome to our therapy pages. We hope you find what you’re looking for and we can offer you the support you need.
To see some of the therapists available at our Centre in Birmingham click on Our Therapists.
Look at Issues worked with page to find out more of some of the popular issues worked with. There are also some examples of client’s statements which might ring a bell with you.
First time Counselling
If you’re curious about what happens in the first session, then take a few minutes to view our A Beginning Counselling Video which provides an example of how it might go.
Each counselling session usually lasts 50 or 60 minutes and is provided in rooms only used for that purpose.The sessions are confidential and the counsellor is there to support you make sense of what you bring. This may involve helping you to develop awareness and insights into the issues that concern you – and to uncover & support your confidence in making the decisions you need to.
Intensive Therapy Sessions
Sometimes it is possible to have a intensive sessions of one and half or two hours where that feels more helpful.
Environmentally influences Therapy Sessions (See Kate’s profile)
Some sessions are held in a summer house in the garden which provides a different atmosphere It is also possible to have the session walking at your own pace in the lovely Warley Woods, which is next door to us. This physical movement in these natural surroundings (& the required deeper breathing), can help to engage people get more in touch with their concerns.
And finally, if you don’t see what you’re looking for and would like to chat through your particular needs, then do phone or email us – details on the Contact Us page.
We look forward to hearing from you.